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What is Title I? 

Title I is a federally funded program that provides academic support and learning opportunities to meet state standards in reading. Title I programs help students to experience success within their classrooms.  South Newton Elementary is a Schoolwide Title I School. This helps to ensure that any child who needs help with reading can have access to support.

What are the goals of Title I? 

*To diagnose and identify specific reading problems in each eligible student.

*To supplement and support (not replace) the classroom reading instruction.

*To foster an enjoyment of books and to encourage reading as a leisure activity.

*To develop a positive attitude and self-confidence by providing reading success.

*To formulate and implement plans that will improve students’ reading skills. 

*To help each student acquire the skills needed to function in the classroom.

*To place more emphasis on Title One assistance at the primary level, as we believe more rapid results and a greater success rate will result from early intervention. 

What is the Home-School Compact?

The parent-school compact states the goals and responsibilities of both the parent and school that are necessary in order to provide a quality education for all students. Each Title I school in the district has a parent-school compact that was distributed to parents once their child was found eligible to receive Title I services.


South Newton's Home School Compact

Parents' Right to Know

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